

At the start of each new year I not only focus on goal-setting, but for the past five years or so I’ve also chosen a word or set of words that I hope will frame the upcoming year. Often these words become a mantra of sorts; and when I reflect back they do often seem to influence the direction of my life in that time period.
For 2019 my word is “simplify“. This was a no contest, very easy word-picking year. 2018 was not my favorite- it was messy and complicated in many ways. It also taught me a lot and it helped draw into clear focus what is truly important.
So, I’m ready to build on that focus and simplify. It may not look all that different from the outside- I still have work and home responsibilities that aren’t going anywhere- but I’m really hoping that internally things will look different. From finances to fitness, from my daily routines to long-term planning, from how I interact at work to how I interact with the environment, I’ll be asking myself what is truly aligned with my values and necessary to think about and what can be tossed, automated, or pared down. Simplified.
The goal? Mental space and time to spend on the good, juicy, important stuff and with the people I love and who need me to be at my best. I’ll let you know how it goes! What is your word for 2019?
